Friday, January 1, 2021

New Years is Snow Much Fun.


Happy New Year!

It’s time to pop the champagne, put on our party hats (or pajama pants in my case), and celebrate all that we have accomplished in last year. Moreover, it is a great opportunity to start a fresh new year with creativity! 


We recently had some snow in our area and I had the inspiration to build a few snowmen. I had purchased these kits several years ago from Delphi Glass when they were on clearance.  

I wasn’t able to read the directions very well but it is really a beginner project that was very easy to put together.



I was beyond pleased with how they turned out and Mr. Sawdust (being the comedian of the family) thought I should make a “Grumpy Snowman” similar to his favorite Far Side Comic.

I do encourage everyone to try something new this year. After all, It’s a new year, friends! Another 364 days of exciting opportunities! I know the pandemic has many of us feeling stuck at times. But we have to stick together and put difference, old ways of thinking, in order to move forward.  This reminds me how each piece of glass must be soldered together to make a window. I reckon, being stuck together can be a beautiful thing.


Vesta M. Kelly says it best, Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.”

With that being said it doesn’t matter is you are a happy or grumpy snowman but how we each connect with ourselves and others!

A Most Happy New Year!

 Ginger Dawn & O.J. Harman


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