Monday, November 9, 2020

Fall Leaves


My First Fall Leaf pictured above! Really enjoyed making this piece!

Fall is absolutely my favorite time of year. The colors, cooler temperature, and changing of the season inspires me to create. I decided to make some stained glass leaves to decorate our home. Did you know that leaves have different symbolic meanings? The green leaves of spring and summer depict hope, renewal and revival. Blazing yellow, orange and red leaves of fall represent the change of season. Ultimately, fallen leaves complete the circle of life with the final stages: decline and death.


"When leaves have to let go of the tree, they wear their best colors and they dance all the way to the ground." Karen Kingsbury, Finding Home


I was rather surprised when I made this leaf. The difference between the light shining through it and shade/night-time is rather striking!


Here is my final leaf that I made this week. I absolutely fell in love with this glass and immediately thought of autumn when I saw it. I really appreciate how each of the leaves I made are different and this really helped me to be grateful that every moment is a unique journey in life.

Ginger Dawn


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, I am back. However, I find it challenging after being off social media for a few years. I did not rejoin Facebook but I do like Instagram. How are you?
