Sunday, January 26, 2020


Welcome To Our Blog

Welcome to the launch of Shards & Sawdust and our first blog post! We are so excited to share with you MORE of what we have to offer! We want to start by telling you why we created this blog, what you will be seeing more of in our posts, and my path to healing with PTSD through art.

We believe that no matter what has happened in your life that each of us have a choice. Furthermore, life is full of hope. Everyone Matters!

My husband and I enjoy our particular crafts and felt we’d like to try selling some of our hand-made items.  

Our crafting has become an outlet for us to deal with the stresses of everyday life and part of the healing process of dealing with PTSD.   


We sincerely hope you find our crafts to your liking and become inspired as we share the story of each item as it is created.

Thank you for your Support!

Ginger Dawn & O.J.


  1. Love love love your stain glass and woodwork. Can't wait to see your new creations!
