Sunday, January 29, 2023

White House Handmade Pens


White House

 Hand Turned Pens

Recently, I was commissioned to create two wood turned pens made from trees planted at the White House. 

This was my first time making them from "sticks" rather than processed wood. I will admit that it was a challenge to lathe such tiny pieces of wood.

The wood is Calamandin Orange from  Eisenhower’s time in office. The second pen is Willow Oak from Lyndon Johnson’s time in office.

I am very pleased with how they both turned out. Display boxes were also custom engraved on my laser engraver.

Both pens became gifts for two special recipients. I was just brought some padauk wood to create a new pen for the same gentleman with more requested pens to follow.  

Sunday, January 8, 2023

January Gratitude


Happy New Year


We can’t thank you enough for all the support you showed us these past years. Although I have neglected this blog, I decided that this year I want to focus more on the connection with not just our in-person customers but those we have also had the pleasure to create for online. I am pleased to announce that after many years, I did rejoin many social media sites during 2022. Moreover, we attended two craft fairs that were a huge success.

It’s hard to imagine how creating stained glass began as a personal journey to healing and now it has become a small business.  Moreover, Mr. Sawdust has joined the fun with his many wood creations. I know I would not be writing this post today without your help and endless support. May the upcoming year be filled with good deals, new creations, and connection.

Let’s get the party started! 

Ginger Dawn & O.J. Harman