Monday, February 1, 2021

Heart Warming Vibes



Agate Windows

February is one of those months that I just don’t look forward to. I am not a hugging and public affection type of gal. Much of this has to deal with personal boundaries and my past trauma. Nevertheless, I am all about the present moment so bring on the Mushy, Romantic decorations, and Heart Warming Vibes!


I created these three following windows with different shades of pink and rose colored glass, beveled glass with a pink agate in the center. Agate is well known for its calming, soothing effects on the mind, primarily when used over some time.



Pink Agate has a mothering effect to it and is believed to soothe anger and negative energy. It provides an underlying tone of confidence and support and helps us to move from a defensive state of mind to a calming and positive one. It is a color that helps us to realize our misconceptions and beliefs, which no longer serve us.


Each of these windows are available for purchase in our Etsy Store and would make a wonderful gift or decoration in a bedroom.

Happy February!

Ginger Dawn

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